Appartme Rent

Integrate Appartme
home automation with your rental management system

Connect Appartme home automation with any rental management software with the Appartme Rent platform. Streamline the process of remotely managing rental properties, improve their energy efficiency, and reduce maintenance costs.

PaaS API Integration - Appartme Rent

Energy-efficient management
of properties for rent

Integrating Appartme Rent with your rental management system allows you to control Appartme home automation in multiple flats simultaneously. 

It enables you to remotely manage the lighting, electricity, temperature, and water valves in rented flats directly in the platform you already use. 

This enables convenient and efficient energy management in the apartments and reduced maintenance costs.

Integracja Appartme Rent z Twoim systemem obsługi najmu pozwala na sterowanie automatyką mieszkaniową Appartme w wielu wynajmowanych mieszkaniach jednocześnie. 

Dzięki niej można zdalnie zarządzać oświetleniem, dopływem prądu w wybranych obwodach gniazd elektrycznych, ogrzewaniem oraz zaworami wody w wynajmowanych lokalach bezpośrednio w platformie, z której już korzystasz. 

Przekłada się to na wygodne i efektywne zarządzanie energią w mieszkaniach oraz zmniejszenie kosztów ich utrzymania.

Dedicated platform for the real estate and IT industry

Benefits for:

Integrate your system with us

A dedicated solution for the real estate and IT industry

Residential real estate developers

Property managers of rental real estates

Private investors in properties for rent

Rental property investment funds

Social housing initiative companies

IT developers of rental management systems

Property administration and rental property software owners

Find out how Appartme Rent
will benefit your business

Main features

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Use cases


Find out how the Appartme Rent platform improves the management of properties

Managers of properties

Client - developer

Check out the implementation of Appartme Rent integration into a rental management system for one of our clients and see how the process looks from a property manager's perspective.

Partners - IT Developers

Rental management system - Rent Autopilot

Read the case study describing the scope of the implementation of the Appartme Rent module into the rental management software Rent Autopilot and find out what the direct cooperation on the integration with the IT system developer looks like.

Examples of system use

How does Appartme Rent supports managing properties?

of properties

IT developers of rental management software